Design powerfull Javascript/Ajax applications running on Windows, IOS, Lunix, without the need of been registered in a store.

At right up a tiny button showing 3 horizontal bars , onclick display a drop down menu to trigger methods or to set properties in a form.

Syncapps apply the Object theory, as an object defined by own methods (function Object_Method() javascript code and own properties (ObjectProperty value) managed by a navigation logic.

"Divide to conquer", applications are splitted in objects and their related methods to be triggered through menu as Object_method().

A drop down menulist consist of an header showing the object and the list related of methods to choose from, allow to close current nenu and navigate back to Menu_Main.

A Drop down menu is created as : Menu_Show("Object,Method1,Method2,-,Methodn,..."), - character will generated a separator line.

Pointing to a method from menulist trigger javascript code as: Object_Method(), "function Object_Method(){...}" code had to be supplied by editing index.html file.

Function Object_Method(){...}" code can call PHP function to implement file persistency, mail functionalities, any extent.

Turn drop down Menu into Form to set object properties by preceding Form_Show element by the first lower case letter of their Input type, Form_Show such as :


A login form can be generated as this : Form_Show("Mail,:User_Mail,eusermail,:Password,ppassword,SForget,SRegister,SLogin")

A Form drop down menu can be enhanced with an extended set as:

Type,:Label,_Form,°Under Construction,~Progress.dir name,file name,Make DirFile.

Object paragraph can be updated with an extended character set as:


A more complex object is Grid that behave as a fully embeded object spreadsheet, multiple of them can be inserted in a Page and related together.

Grid, Col, Row, Cell content value and formula, 3 library sets of simulated builtin javascript functions, Formula evaluation, Fill, Function, Javascript Math (30), and an editor to design own personal function that call these builtin spreadsheet ones.

Grid, Range in mouse less environment as mobile are indicated by pressing the endind cell, Formula need cell name this is indicated by question mark ? character pressing the cell name replace the question mark by pressed cell name.

An interface builder it's all about, hamburger menu icon that trigger Object methods Pulldown menu, Form Object properties PullDown menu and a mechanism to articulate smoothly provided javascript functions, all todesign powefull WEB applications that run on any browser on any OS.

To illustrate this content a text editing and a grid sheet had been implemented in the Hamburger Menu Icon at top right of the page, the equivalent of the power of an office in 64k HTML Javascript page within browser.

Imagine now that a mobile had the power of a mainframe taking a room in your pocket and weigthing few hundreds grams that any can own, billions are now in the nature that power you can harness easily with a minimum of behavior that you already know.

Grid object that behave as a spreadsheet, Visicalc, had been invented in 1979 by Dan Brickin, essentially a grid divided in Col and Row determining cells where you can store value or formula, updating cell recalculate Grid.

Formula, as Syncapps manipulate WEB HTML pages, Formula include arithmetic operators as = +-*/% or Cellname Or Constant that are replaced by their value, javascipt Math algebraïc library function.

Constant as PI E SQRT2 SQRT1_2 LN2 LN10 LOG2E Log10E builtin spreadshet functions Fill Value Serie Currency Day Month Europa Usa Date Time & Stat Count Average Sum Max Min Score Lookup IfLess IfEquate IfGreater.

The Hamburger Menu Icon paradigm, had been invented in 1982, by Norman Cox at Rank Xerox PARK for