Design powerfull Javascript/Ajax applications running on Windows, IOS, Lunix, without the need of been registered in a store.
Example: Menu
At right up a tiny button showing 3 horizontal bars ☰, onclick display a drop down menu to trigger methods or to set properties in a form.
Syncapps apply the Object theory, as an object defined by own methods (function Object_Method() javascript code and own properties (ObjectProperty value) managed by a navigation logic.
"Divide to conquer", applications are splitted in objects pointing to their list of methods triggering function Object_Method() and for each, their Properties edited in a form.
A drop down menulist consist of a menuname header showing the sub-context and a list of methods to choose from.
Method name starting by an uderscore trigger (function Form_Method()), default code that Replace the menu form, one undescore character is treated as a separator.
Menu entry followed by a greater than > character, signal that on a click a form will be displayed.
Menu list completed by Chat and Contact form as email equivalent neatly displayed with a mix of uppercase / lowercase .